时间:2024-03-25    点击次数:[]
名称 第一作者/通讯作者 发表/出版日期 刊物/论文集名称 收录类别
基于标签关联性的分层分类共有与固有特征选择 林耀进 2022-07-01 软件学报 EI,CSCD
Identity-Based Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme with Information Recovery in Telemedicine System 周豫苹 2022-03-19 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing EI,SCI
Decision self-information based on parameterized fuzzy β neighborhood and its application in three-way multi-attribute group decision-making 郑文彬 2022-10-18 Electronic Research Archive SCI
Synthetic Epileptic Brain Activities with   TripleGAN 许梅燕 2022-08-27 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine SCI
Multi-Label Attribute Reduction Based on Neighborhood Multi-Target Rough Sets 郑文彬 2022-08-10 Symmetry SCI
Ternary quantum public-key cryptography based on qubit rotation 王育齐 2022-06-16 Quantum Information Processing SCI
Relationships between two pairs of covering approximation operators and belief structures 张燕兰 2022-05-07 Computational and Applied Mathematics SCI
Online streaming feature selection for multigranularity hierarchical classification learning 王晨曦 2022-03-18 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience SCI
An optimization approach with weighted SCiForest and weighted Hausdorff distance for noise data and redundant data 郑艺峰 2022-03-01 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE SCI
MULFE Multi-Label Learning via Label-Specific Feature Space Ensemble 林耀进 2022-02-01 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data SCI
Deeply feature fused video super‑resolution network using temporal grouping 杨敬民 2022-01-17 The Journal of Supercomputing SCI
A Design and Application of Municipal Service Platform Based on Cloud-Edge Collaboration for Smart Cities(读博论文) 杨敬民 2022-12-15 SENSORS SCI
Calibration-Free 3D Indoor Positioning Algorithms Based on DNN and DIFF 杨敬民 2022-08-07 Sensors SCI
An Adaptive Calibration Algorithm Based on RSSI and LDPLM for Indoor Ranging and Positioning 杨敬民 2022-07-29 Sensors SCI
区块链环境下用户身份匿名的量子委托计算协议 王育齐 2022-11-30 电子科技大学学报 EI
The Construction and Implementation of Wireless Network Online Learning System based on Edge Computing(读博论文) 杨敬民 2022-11-15 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning EI
Wi-Fi indoor 3D localization algorithm based on multi-classifier fusion 杨敬民 2022-08-19 Engineering Research Express EI
Multi-Target Rough Sets and Their Approximation Computation with Dynamic Target Sets 郑文彬 2022-08-11 Information EI
