(1)1999-2001 闽南师范大学校级“优秀共产党员” (2)2014年 闽南师范大学校级“优秀共产党员” (3)2011-2015年 闽南师范大学校级“优秀教师” (4)2015年“海峡杯”两岸高校网络安全竞技大赛“优秀指导教师奖” (5)2015年 福建省精品资源共享课“网络空间安全” (6)2016年 第二届福建省高校网络空间安全大赛“优秀指导教师奖” (7)2016-2017年“黑盾杯”福建省大学生网络与信息安全竞赛优秀指导教师奖 (8)2018年、2020年福建省高等教育教学成果奖二等奖 (9)2019年闽南师范大学首届“最美教师” (10)2020年“信息安全”福建省省级一流课程负责人 (11)2021年“软件工程”福建省省级一流专业负责人 (12)2022年“信息安全”福建省省级课程思政示范课 (13)2022年校级教学创新大赛一等奖
近年发表论著 (1)Yuping Zhou*, Zhenjie Huang, Juan Wang. An energy-efficient random verification protocol for the detection of node clone attacks in wireless sensor networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014:163 doi:10.1186/1687- 1499-2014-163 ISSN: 1687-1499 ( SCI) (2)Yuping Zhou*, Rufeng Huang, Dongmei Yu. Research on training mode of information security application-oriented personnel on the basis of engineering practice in China .COMPUTER MODELLING & NEW TECHNOLOGIES 2014 18(12A) 453-461 ISSN:14075806(EI) (3)Yuping Zhou, Naixue Xiong, Mingxin Tan, Rufeng Huang and Jon Kleonbet. An Improved Mobility-Based Control Protocol for Tolerating Clone Failures in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2016, 16(11):1955; doi:10.3390/s16111955. ISSN 1424-8220 (SCI ) (4)Yuping Zhou*,Zengjie Huang, Junjie Chen, Qunshang Chen. Privacy Protection Based on Anonymous Consultation for Telemedicine Diagnosis System. Boletín Técnico. 2017,55(17):443-452 (EI) (5)周豫苹, 于冬梅, 黄茹芬, 陈东. 一类新的基于移动序贯测试的无线传感网络节点克隆攻击检测. 传感技术学报.2017.30(6): 935-943 (CSCD) (6)朱春花,周豫苹*,陈宝兴,朱权. 认知无线中继网络最小化中断概率功率分配算法[J]. 计算机工程, 2017,43(07):119-123 (CSCD) (7)Yuping Zhou, Lei Jiang, Hui Huang, Jianneng Chen, Zengjie Huang. Telemedicine System with Privacy Protection Based on CP-ABE. Investigación Clínica. 60(6): 1615-1625, 2019 ( SCI) (8)Yu Hu, Yi-Fan Zhang, Yu-Ping Zhou*. Attribute-based Message Recovery Designated Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme in Telemedicine SystemJournal of Network Intelligence. 2022. 7( 1):101-113 (EI) (9)Xie, B.; Zhou,Y.-P.*; Yi, X.-Y.; Wang, C.-Y. An Improved Multi-Authority Attribute Access Control Scheme Base on Blockchain and Elliptic Curve for Efficient and Secure Data Sharing. Electronics 2023, 12(7), 1691. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12071691 (SCI). (10)Xinyu Yi, Yuping Zhou*, Yuqian Lin, Ben Xie, Junjie Chen, Chenye Wang. Digital rights management scheme based on redactable blockchain and perceptual hash. Peer-to- Peer Networking and Applications. 2023, 16(5), pp.2630-2648 ( DOI: 10.1007/s12083-023-01552-3 SCI)
联系方式 E-mail: 2228709@163.com yp_zhou@mnnu.edu.cn |