时间:2024-03-25    点击次数:[]
Mobile edge computing-enabled blockchain:contract-guided computation offloading李奕君/林姿琼2022-12-28JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTINGSCI
A Design and Application of Municipal Service Platform Based on Cloud-Edge Collaboration for Smart Cities杨敬民2022-12-15SENSORSSCI
Decision self-information based on parameterized fuzzy β neighborhood and its application in three-way multi-attribute group decision-making郑文彬2022-10-18Electronic Research ArchiveSCI
Attention feature fusion network for small traffic sign detection吴苗志/杨敬民2022-08-30Engineering Research ExpressEI
Synthetic Epileptic Brain Activities with TripleGAN许梅燕2022-08-27Computational and Mathematical Methods in MedicineSCI
Hybrid ResNet based on joint basic and attention modules for long-tailed classification赵威/赵红2022-08-23INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONINGSCI
Multi-label causal feature selection based on neighbourhood mutual information王杰/林耀进2022-08-23International Journal of Machine Learning and CyberneticsSCI
Knowledge transfer based hierarchical few-shot learning via tree-structured knowledge graph张中/赵红2022-08-23International Journal of Machine Learning and CyberneticsSCI
Wi-Fi indoor 3D localization algorithm based on multi-classifier fusion杨敬民2022-08-19Engineering Research ExpressEI
Multi-Target Rough Sets and Their Approximation Computation with Dynamic Target Sets郑文彬2022-08-11InformationEI
Multi-Label Attribute Reduction Based on Neighborhood Multi-Target Rough Sets郑文彬2022-08-10SymmetrySCI
Calibration-Free 3D Indoor Positioning Algorithms Based on DNN and DIFF杨敬民2022-08-07SensorsSCI
An Adaptive Calibration Algorithm Based on RSSI and LDPLM for Indoor Ranging and Positioning杨敬民2022-07-29SensorsSCI
Hierarchical classification based on coarse- to fine-grained knowledge transfer邱泽钰/赵红2022-07-13INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONINGSCI
Multi-task convolutional neural network with coarse-to-fine knowledge transfer for long-tailed classification李征宇赵红2022-07-10INFORMATION SCIENCESSCI
Distributed algorithm for computation offloading in mobile edge computing considering user mobility and task randomness郑艺峰2022-07-01JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTINGSCI
A secure and efficient data deduplication framework for the internet of things via edge computing and blockchain吴增/黄慧2022-06-29CONNECTION SCIENCEEI
Hierarchical few-shot learning based on coarse- and fine-grained relation network吴志平/赵红2022-06-19Artificial Intelligence ReviewSCI
Ternary quantum public-key cryptography based on qubit rotation王育齐2022-06-16Quantum Information ProcessingSCI
Double-server blind quantum computation based on the GHZ state周依/王育齐2022-06-01JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSSCI
Relationships between two pairs of covering approximation operators and belief structures张燕兰2022-05-07Computational and Applied MathematicsSCI
Neighborhood rough set based multi‐label feature selection with label correlation吴镒潾/林耀进2022-05-06Concurrency and Computation: Practice and ExperienceSCI
Few-shot learning via relation network based on coarse-grained granulation贾霄/赵红2022-04-25APPLIED INTELLIGENCESCI
Multilabel causal variable discovery in multisource王运安/林耀进2022-04-08Concurrency and Computation: Practice and ExperienceSCI
Identity-Based Designated-Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme with Information Recovery in Telemedicine System周豫苹2022-03-19Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingEI,SCI
Online streaming feature selection for multigranularity hierarchical classification learning王晨曦2022-03-18Concurrency and Computation: Practice and ExperienceSCI
Few-shot learning based on hierarchical classification via multi-granularity relation networks苏玉玲/赵红2022-03-10INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONINGSCI
An optimization approach with weighted SCiForest and weighted Hausdorff distance for noise data and redundant data郑艺峰2022-03-01APPLIED INTELLIGENCESCI
Attribute-based Message Recovery Designated Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme in Telemedicine System胡玉/周豫苹2022-02-20Journal of Network IntelligenceEI
Ternary Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Based on Hadamard Gate陈庚/王育齐2022-02-12INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICSSCI
From the whole to detail Progressively sampling discriminative parts for fine-grained recognition郭晨/林耀进2022-02-02KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMSSCI
Hybrid Market-based Resources Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Systems under Stochastic Information黄晓雯/张文杰2022-02-01FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMSSCI,EI
MULFE Multi-Label Learning via Label-Specific Feature Space Ensemble林耀进2022-02-01ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from DataSCI
A fuzzy rough set approach based on Hausdorff distance for hierarchical feature selection邱泽钰/赵红2022-01-20APPLIED INTELLIGENCESCI
Deeply feature fused video super‑resolution network using temporal grouping杨敬民2022-01-17The Journal of SupercomputingSCI
Video super-resolution network using detail component extraction and optical flow enhancement algorithm陈圳森/杨敬民2022-01-12APPLIED INTELLIGENCESCI
Inverse transformation sampling-based attentive cutout for fine-grained visual recognition郭晨/林耀进2022-01-02The Visual ComputerSCI
