时间:2024-03-25    点击次数:[]
Digital rights management scheme based on redactable blockchain and perceptual hash易辛宇/周豫苹2023-12-07Peer-to-Peer Networking and ApplicationsSCI
Space‑CNN a decision classifcation method based on EEG signals from diferent brain regions杨敬民2023-11-12MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTINGSCI
Two-party Quantum Identity Authentication without Entanglement王育齐2023-10-09JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSSCI
Skill hierarchy structure based skill assessment and learning paths王大利/许晴媛2023-09-14INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMSSCI,EI
Multi-label feature selection based on correlation label enhancement何卓新/林耀进2023-08-29INFORMATION SCIENCESSCI
A job recommendation method based on attention layer scoring characteristics and tensor decomposition毛煜2023-08-21Applied SciencesSCI
FS-MGKC: Feature selection based on structural manifold learning with multi-granularity knowledge coordination石杰/赵红2023-08-16INFORMATION SCIENCESSCI
Fuzzy Mutual Information-Based Multilabel Feature Selection With Label Dependency and Streaming Labels刘景华/林耀进2023-08-09IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMSSCI
Quantum Secure Direct Communication Against Collective Noise Based on W States刘诗明/王育齐2023-08-07International Journal of Theoretical PhysicsSCI
HHierarchical long-tailed classification based on multi-granularity knowledge transfer driven by multi-scale feature fusion赵威/赵红2023-07-29Pattern RecognitionSCI
A Deep Model for Species-Specific Prediction of Ribonucleic-Acid-Binding Protein with Short Motifs魏志森2023-07-15APPLIED SCIENCES-BASELSCI
Self-similarity feature based few-shot learning via hierarchical relation network钟杨清/赵红2023-06-16International Journal of Machine Learning and CyberneticsSCI
A collaborative auditing scheme with dynamic data updates based on blockchain肖洁/黄慧2023-06-14CONNECTION SCIENCESCI
Coarse-to-fine knowledge transfer based long-tailed classification via bilateral-sampling network徐峻岩/赵红2023-06-12International Journal of Machine Learning and CyberneticsSCI
Multi-label feature selection based on relative entropy and fuzzy neighborhood mutual discrimination index王晨曦2023-06-07Concurrency and Computation: Practice and ExperienceSCI
Quantum Private Query Based on Quantum Homomorphic Encryption with Qubit Rotation陈庚/王育齐2023-06-05Quantum Information ProcessingSCI
Online feature selection for hierarchical classification learning based on improved ReliefF王晨曦2023-06-02Concurrency and Computation: Practice and ExperienceSCI,EI
Hierarchical few-shot learning with feature fusion driven by data and knowledge吴志平/赵红2023-05-31INFORMATION SCIENCESSCI
Semantic-gap-oriented feature selection in hierarchical classification learning刘浩阳/林耀进2023-05-23INFORMATION SCIENCESSCI
Hierarchical Feature Selection Based on Label Distribution Learning林耀进2023-05-01IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERINGSCI
A sparse lightweight attention network for image super-resolution张红澳/方金生2023-04-25VISUAL COMPUTERSCI
Quantum identity authentication based on the extension of quantum rotation陈庚/王育齐2023-04-25EPJ Quantum TechnologySCI
An Improved Multi-Authority Attribute Access Control Scheme Base on Blockchain and Elliptic Curve for Efficient and Secure Data Sharing谢犇/周豫苹2023-04-07ElectronicsSCI
Label distribution learning with high‐order label correlations李育林/林耀进2023-03-20Concurrency and Computation: Practice and ExperienceSCI
Quantum Identity Authentication using Hadamard Gate based on GHZ State简立雅/王育齐2023-03-14Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsSCI
Secure Location Data Sharing Scheme with KN-tree in Mobile Online Social Network(SMOSNs)刘鸿阳/黄慧2023-03-01Journal of Network IntelligenceEI
Improvement of blockchain-based multi-layer location data sharing scheme for Internet of Things刘鸿阳/黄慧2023-03-01COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONSSCI
Contract-based Cooperative Computation and Communication Resources Sharing in Mobile Edge Computing郑艺峰2023-02-27Journal of Grid ComputingSCI
Quantum identity authentication protocol based on flexible quantum homomorphic encryption with qubit rotation陈庚/王育齐2023-02-14Journal of Applied PhysicsSCI
Road object detection for HD map: Full-element survey, analysis and perspectives罗智鹏2023-02-07ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote SensingSCI
RRIFLoc: Radio Robust Image Fingerprint Indoor Localization Algorithm Based on Deep Residual Networks杨敬民2023-01-23IEEE SENSORS JOURNALSCI
Feature selection via maximizing inter-class independence and minimizing intra-class redundancy for hierarchical classification石杰/赵红2023-01-10INFORMATION SCIENCESSCI
