荣誉及获奖情况 工信部创新创业奖学金一等奖1次、二等奖1次,国家工业和信息化部 中国互联网+大学生创新创业二等奖,北京市教育委员会 北京市地区高校大学生优秀创新创业一等奖,北京市教育委员会
近年承担的项目 “面向多源异构数据的求职推荐方法研究”,福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2022.8-2025.8,在研,主持。 “基于多源特征融合的推荐模型研究”,福建省教育厅中青年一般项目,2022.1-2023.12,已结题,主持。 “开放环境下基于粒计算的层次结构数据分类建模研究”,福建省自然科学基金重点项目,2021.11-2024.11,在研,参与。
近年发表论著情况 [1] Distributed Fog Computing Based on Improved LT codes for Deep Learning in Web of Things. 30th The Web Conference 2021.(CCF A) [2] Classifying user connections through social media avatars and users social activities: a case study in identifying sellers on social media. Enterprise Information Systems 2020:1-20.(SCI) [3] A New Approach of user behavior analysis with Sequence-to-Sequence recommendation model. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2020:5707-5716.(SCI) [4] A Fuzzy Approach to User-level Intrusion Detection. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2020:1-16(2020).(SCI) [5] Improved spectral clustering based on Nyström method. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76(19):20149-20165.(SCI) [6] The Discovery of Natural Typing Annotations: User-produced Potential Chinese Word Delimiters. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015:662-667.(CCF A)
专利: 一种基于大数据双向推荐的深度学习方法及双向推荐装置,2019。(已授权)
所授课程 数据挖掘,大数据通识导论,数据采集与数据可视化,数据可视化技术,数据处理和可视化(Python)。
联系方式 E-mail: maoyu1998@qq.com |